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The Best Love Story in the world


Do you know , what is love ? Have you ever thought about the real defination of love ? Which couple comes to your mind as an ideal couple whenever you heard the word love ???

 You can choose the love story of ROMEO & JULIET as ideal couple which ends in pain . 

 You can choose & follow the love between our PROPHET MOHAMMAD & his 1st wife KHADIJA (RA) which continus in JANNAH .

 Our PROPHET MOHAMMAD loved her wife incredibly . They are the best couple in my eyes . They had huge age difference but their age didnt effect on their married life . If you read the love story of them you can understand that how much love they had for each other . Our PROPHET didnt get married again until his first wife died . 

 They had incredible LOVE , TRUST , RESPECT for each other .

 KHADIJA (RA) was the wealthiest women in that time but she never pride for that . In spite of having lots of wealth she spent her life to serve PROPHET MOHAMMAD . She handover her wealth to our PROPHET PBUH to help the needy and carried the expenses of ZIHAD .

 In the time of mohammads ( pbuh) first revelation when Mohammad (pbuh)was visited by angel JIBREEL ( AS) for first time . He was scared and shivering . After that he rushed to KHADIJA (RA) and asked her to cover up him with cloth . He shared every details with her whatever hapended with him . KHADIJA ( RA) said him , you neednt worry about it . ALLAH SWT will never humiliate you because you take care of your relatives , neighbours , think about needy people , help everyone without any hesitation .

 Can you imagine , how much a wife trust her husband like that . And the husband how can go to his wife without seeking help from his friends and relatives .

 That was love . The real LOVE . 

They are not only an ideal couple for us but also the real definition of love .

 Are you thinking how will you get this kind of love from your spouse ????

 Make a strong relationship with ALLAH SWT , ask for help and follow the instructions that has given by ALLAH SWT , keep ALLAH SWT 1st in your priority list . ALLAH SWT will send someone to take care of your heart and love you , hold your hand till in JANNAH .

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